Our work under the
project is organised under two Components corresponding to two project results:
1) Supporting to coordinating and managing the EU integration process. This component
combines assistance to capacity building activities, such as trainings and
seminars, a comprehensive delivery of study tours, translation facility and a
wide range of increasing the visibility of the EU integration process in
Montenegro until June 2018.
2) Technical support and expertise to the relevant structures in the Ministry of European Affairs and other stakeholders in Montenegro. This Component will
focus on providing technical level support to the MEA and other stakeholders
and on assistance for development of key strategic documents for EU
negotiations, supporting negotiations efforts for individual chapters to be
negotiated; defining the fiscal implications of the negotiation process;
supporting legal alignment with the EU acquis and strengthening capacities for
IPA II management covering all elements such as programming, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation. It will also contribute to gradual preparation of
the MEA and other stakeholders to the shift to Structural and Cohesion Funds.