Evaluation of EU Support to the Internal Security Forces in Lebanon
The global objective of the assignment was to provide the Lebanese Authorities with an overall, independent and accountable result-oriented evaluation and to pave the way for follow-up EU support.
The specific objectives of the programme were the following:
To assess the implementation and the impact of the SAROL programme (Ex-post evaluation) against its initial objectives.
- To assess the implementation and the impact of the SSP Technical Assistance (rule of Law and Fight against Crime component) against its initial objectives.
- To propose key lessons and recommendations for the Lebanese Authorities and fir the EU Delegation to design future interventions in the framework of the Decision “Building National Stability”.
To draft the Terms of Reference –in line with the PRAG- for a potential follow-up Technical Assistance under the Decision “Building National Stability”
The mission was in charge of:
- Describing development co-operation context;
- Analysing systematically the relevant available documents;
- Identifying issues to be covered and the assumptions to be tested;
- Proposing judgment criteria and identifying provisional indicators and their means of verification;
- Presenting an overall methodology for the programme/projects assessments;
- Proposing a work plan;
- Identifying and presenting the tools to be applied in the field phase;
- Listing all the preparatory steps already taken/to be taken in the field phase;
- Confirming the final schedule for the evaluation exercise.
- Meeting with the Contracting Authority, the beneficiaries, the implementing partners and other relevant donors.
- Drafting of the final Report