The specific objectives of this assignment were the following:
a) to provide a clear overview of existing and missing capacities, interventions and approaches to support the GoR's accountable governance objectives;
b) to analyse the key problems and summarise the relevant evidence demonstrating the need for donor support in the areas of public accountability and democratic governance;
c) to advise on the proposed outcomes and impact, and assess all feasible options for achieving these (considering the level of donor support available, risks and opportunities for donor involvement, and overall programming implications - results maximisation, prioritisation and sequencing, financing, long term capacity building, etc.;
d) to make well-balanced concrete suggestions for the identification and formulation of projects/programs to be financed under the II EDF (2014-2020); and
e) to assist the EU Delegation to Rwanda in the development of the corresponding documents, according to the EU standard formats, for the approval of specific projects/programs at the identification stage.