The global objective of the assignment was to provide to OCTA and the OCTs with solid basis to understand the process and main options and scenarios regarding policies and legal frameworks of post 2020, with a view to clarifying the stakes and consequences on OCTs.
specific objective of this assignment was to produce a paper that aimed to:
· Inform the political leaders of the
OCTs on aspects of the post-2020 framework that will or might impact the OCTs.
· Identify what these aspects are and
how OCTs can ensure that these aspects are integrated into the overall
post-2020 debate;
· Identify specific flashpoints and
time lines where appropriate during the consultative process that can provide
OCTs with opportunities to influence the post 2020 debate; and
· Identify the different possible financing instruments/scenarios that could be used to financially support the OCT-EU partnership.
According to the terms of reference the following activities were implemented:
· Provide adequate background on major
developments at the EU and international levels that can impinge on the post
2020 debate;
· Identify the time-line of major
milestones for the post 2020 debate, and the main opportunities for OCTs to
impact on the debate;
· Review the expected impact on the
EU-OCT partnership of possible post 2020 scenarios;
· Identify the crucial questions for
OCTs in the debate and the specific sectors/themes to which OCTs needed to pay
particular attention and/or take action in terms of their defensive and
offensive interests;
· Elaborate on the way the main
elements of the global sustainable development agenda (SDG's and Paris
Agreement) continue to influence the post 2020 debate;
· Conduct meeting and interviews with
relevant stakeholders, with OCTA, EC and DEVCO;
· Prepare the advanced Draft of the
Background Paper;
· Conduct phone interviews of OCTs
officials in their countries/territories;
· Moderate of a dedicated workshop
(end March) aimed at presenting and discussing the final version of the
Background Pape
· Draft and finalise the Background