objective of this functional review of the Ministry of Finance was to assist
decision-making of the Government for the implementation Modernization Agenda
for Administration and Public Service at the level of this Ministry.
particular objective of this mission was to conduct a functional review with
the following characteristics:
Focus on
the relevance, coherence and the need for adaptation and adequacy of the
missions and organizational structures of the Ministry on the one hand and the
allocation of human resources to its structures on the other hand;
(SWOT and similar) on the capacity of the services involved to assume their
role in guiding the decision-maker's decision-making (government / budgetary
Identification of actions to be planned and formulation of recommendations.
According to the terms of reference the
following activities were implemented:
· Develop a documentary review based
on the documentation provided by the ministerial department subject of the
· Conduct interviews and thematic
meetings with identified stakeholders and key stakeholders;
· Organize and implement workshops
with the participation of the members of the Steering Committee and the actors
and parties;
· Draft and Finalise the functional review.