AT a la definition du cadre unique d'appui UE-Tunisie 2017-2020

The objective of the mission was to provide support to the Delegation of the European Union to Tunisia in the drafting of strategic documents and the setting up of mechanisms ensuring the coordination of donors. The mission had the specific goals of:

- Providing support for the drafting of the 2017-2020 European Union-Tunisia Single Support Framework (EUA), programming document of EU assistance to Tunisia, and its annexes;
- Proposing and putting in place mechanisms and tools (database) helping to identify the support provided by the EU, its Member States and possibly other donors, for the establishment of joint programming between the EU and the Member States.

Project Details

  • Country: Tunisia
  • Region: ENPI-South,
  • Area of competence:
    Governance > Reinforcement of the rule of law and administration of justice
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: December 2015