Primary Health Care Sector Policy Support Programme (PrimCare SPSP) Mid Term Review

The overall objective of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Primary Health Care Sector Policy Support Programme (PrimCare SPSP) was to provide decision makers in the South African Government and the EU with sufficient information to make an informed judgment about the performance of the Programme so far, its strengths and weaknesses, the suitability of the present financing modality and provide practical guidance for the remaining implementation time.

The specific objectives of the MTR were:

1. Evaluate the progress of the PrimCare SPSP against the project objectives, outcomes and M&E indicators, documenting lessons learned, main strengths and weaknesses.

2. Conduct Case-studies, with clear cost-effectiveness and scalability analyses of 5 pilot CSOs grants, specifically:

* Mpilonhle - Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of DOH School Health Teams in uMkhanyakude District

* Health Systems Trust - Supporting Primary Health Care Reengineering through Improving Primary Health Care Facility Management Capacity and Supporting Quality Improvement Plans & Interventions.

* University Of Cape Town - Health care users' experience as a focus for unlocking opportunities to access quality health services

* Cell Life- Mobile in Primary Health for quality monitoring and health promotion * Soul City: Achieving quality healthcare for all (focusing at the community-based monitoring and facilitators training and club support )

3. Give an overview of the results achieved by the DFID-implemented programme on General Practitioners contracting, focusing at results at national and in the Tambo district, and give advice on the way forward for the Department to capitalise on lessons learnt from it.

4. Evaluate how the Budget Support and the CSOs components have interacted and influenced one with the other, as well as national ownership of the Programme;

5. Facilitate a pragmatic, results-oriented discussion via a joint inclusive workshop to share and discuss the findings of the evaluation. The objective of the workshop is to come to concrete conclusions and formulate original and consensual recommendations to be followed, taking into account the life of the Programme and the two components' interaction.

6. Advise on at least four areas of the current work of the National Department of Health where European technical assistance and peer-to-peer interaction could be fruitful for South Africa and deepen the on-going dialogue with the EU. The four areas may include: National Health insurance, e-health strategy, Institute for regulatory sciences, decentralisation of the health services, among others. 

7. Elaborate success stories, beneficiary profiling, interview materials etc that the Department of Health and the EU Delegation will be able to use as visibility material on social and traditional media.

Project Details

  • Country: South Africa
  • Region: Sub-Saharan Africa,
  • Area of competence:
    Health > Basic health care
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: November 2015