External Evaluation WB-EU project "Health, HIV, TB project Swaziland" March-April 2017

The global objective of the assignment was to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the WB-EU "Health, HIV and TB project Swaziland" in order to verify that the activities and results of the project were in line with those outlined in the Financing Agreement, Administrative Agreement and other project documents. 

Specific objectives consisted in assessing the progress of the WB-EU "Health, HIV and TB project Swaziland" to make recommendations concerning any modifications or necessary focus in the last project year, which were required to ensure that the project achieved its purpose which is "to improve the health and social welfare of the people of Swaziland by providing preventive, curative services that are of high quality, relevant, accessible, affordable, equitable and socially acceptable. " 

Three experts were required to carry out the External Evaluation of the WB-EU “Health, HIV and TB project Swaziland”. The project was evaluated according to the following criteria: Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Impact. The tasks undertaken included the following: 

To assess the appropriateness of the project design in relation to the problems previously encountered and to be resolved during the last (6th) project year;
To assess the projects coherence with the National Health Sector Strategic Plan II, with attention to the strategic focus on Primary Health Care, equity in access, appropriate services;
To comment on the complementarily and coherence of the WB-EU "Health, HIV and TB project Swaziland" with relevant activities undertaken elsewhere by government and other donors, in the health sector, particularly with provision of care for HIV/TB obstetric and neonatal care and the referral system, and mitigation of social impacts of the HIV epidemic;
To review the performance of the management of the project in terms of the quality of day-to-day management;
To review the quality of the project and the program monitoring undertaken by the supervisory Ministry, the program management, and the Delegation of the EU;
To review the performance of the technical assistance in carrying out their Terms of Reference. Comment on the quality and appropriateness of the short-term consultant assignments and their outputs provided under the project. 
To assess the impact of the use of the technical assistance against resources allocated to works and equipment, administrative and project overhead costs.

To examine to what extent the planned overall objective has been achieved, and assess           how far that was directly due to the project.
To examine positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by the intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.FWC 2017/383-715
To review and comment on the sustainability of the project. This included an analysis of the level of political support from the Government and an indication of whether the Government, and other relevant stakeholders are likely to continue funding any of the initiatives (incl. maintenance of works and equipment supported by the project, new procurement procedures, improved medical standard procedures, waste management,…).
To produce a provisional and final report.

Project Details

  • Country: Swaziland
  • Region: EDF / ACP,
  • Area of competence:
    Health > Health policy and administrative management_
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: March 2017